Jaachimma Oluwabunmi Nwagbara

Jaachimma Oluwabunmi Nwagbara is a fourth-year medical student studying at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. She is from Abia state, one of the most beautiful places in Eastern Nigeria. She was born and spent most of her years in Northern Nigeria, Kaduna state to be precise. With a drive and passion to contribute meaningfully in her immediate environment, she has participated in politics, the Press and outreaches. She was the Editor-in-chief, Preclinical Press of the University of Ibadan Med- ical Students’ Association. She currently serves as the Financial Secretary of the Association. She also volunteers and participates in medical and social outreaches. She enjoys watching comedy series and exploring new places. She says, “Medical school is a journey, different for everyone and we all should share our stories. I look forward to sharing mine and learning from others who share theirs. As medical students/doctors, we never stop learning!”